Strategic Plan

Objective 1 — be a leader in our community

At the heart of everything we do is a desire to set a good example for the community in which we live.

While catering for the needs of children, young adults, men and women who want to play football, we will also seek ways to benefit our local community and the wider football community. Our reputation as an organisation driven by enthusiastic and committed volunteers will inspire others and encourage support for what we do.

As a community club we will also continue to expand on our partnership with junior cricket by assessing how we can improve and implement a better playing surface and number of pitches.

Objective 2 — Develop and implement a social responsibility fund

Football provides huge opportunities for players, from lifelong friendships to educational, travel and life experiences.

Our club aims to maximise those opportunities by helping those interested in football that may not have the financial means to participate.

In 2021 the club provided seeding capital of $2,000 and by September 2022 this amount had grown to over $7,000 with the increase provided by sponsors and club members donating funds in addition to their annual fees.

Objective 3 — Succeed in Northern League

While we’ll seek to perform at the highest levels of competition for our men’s, women’s, and junior teams, it’s crucial that our premier men’s team succeeds in the Northern Regional Football League. Success in the Northern League gives profile and credibility for our club, enabling it to attract players, coaches and administrators with the skills to help develop the entire club. Our immediate aim is to win promotion to Northern League Championship, but to develop the coaching and player development structures that enable us to bring young players through our teams and into our first team.

A secondary aim is to improve the women’s game and numbers at the club by improving coaching and looking to compete in the Waibop league.

In 2022 both women’s teams in Waikato Division 1 and 2 finished 2nd in their respective leagues and whilst they could obtain promotion to higher leagues, another year to develop and improve players will enable them to then be competitive in the higher league, with the 5-year objective being to also compete in the Northern League.

Objective 4 — Develop fantastic facilities

Our current facilities will provide what we need in the short term. But growth and our ambition to have among the best facilities in New Zealand means we need to find the best way to build and sustain them.

Waipa District Council have also recognised this by approving and committing to fill the existing drain to the North of the main club rooms and establish 2 NZ class sand-based football pitches which would be the envy of any club in NZ.

The club has also agreed to upgrade the existing pitches 1 and 2 to a national standard. These pitches will be regrassed with an irrigation system and whilst they will have a sand-based content, will predominantly be grass fields. They will also be levelled, and as both pitches will be the same, the training and playing on these pitches will be of an equal high standard.

The final part of this improvement in the revised strategic plan will be to initially upgrade the lighting on pitch 2 to enable quality training at nights, and to also host games throughout the year as necessary.


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