Privacy Policy


Cambridge Football Club knows you care about how your information is used and shared. It is committed to ensuring your privacy is protected and your information is only used appropriately.



This policy aims to help people involved in Cambridge Football Club understand how their personal information may be used and stored by Cambridge Football Club.

This policy applies to all people providing personal information to Cambridge Football Club. Personal information means information about a person.



Collection, use and storage of personal information

Collecting personal information

When you become a member of, or participate in Cambridge Football Club activities, Cambridge Football Club will need to collect some personal information from you (or family/whānau or children). It may also collect other information needed to perform its functions, or where required by law.

Personal information may include your contact details and any other personal information that you provide. For participants, this may also include performance results and health/medical information.

Cambridge Football Club may collect this information directly from you with your permission, or from the regional federation and/or New Zealand Football.


Using personal information

  • Cambridge Football Club will never sell your personal information.
  • Employees of Cambridge Football Club may have access to your personal information to do their Their access to your personal information is limited to what is necessary.
  • Agents and subcontractors of Cambridge Football Club may have access to personal information needed to do their work but may not use it for any other
  • Cambridge Football Club may be required to share your personal information with the regional federation it belongs to and/or New Zealand Football and other affiliated organisations such as Sport New Zealand, Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and Oceania Football Confederation (OFC).

Your personal information may be used:

  • For Cambridge Football Club activities and operations
  • to consider an employment or volunteer application
  • to amend records to remove or update personal information
  • to comply with the law; or protect our rights, property, or safety, or that of our members, or



Storing and disclosing personal information

  • Cambridge Football Club will maintain all reasonable protections against the loss, misuse or inappropriate disclosure of your personal information, and maintain processes to prevent unauthorised use or access to that
  • Cambridge Football Club will keep electronic personal information secure by making sure its data storage is protected from external sources, maintaining regular back up and applying good security
  • Cambridge Football Club may use cloud computing. Where used, Cambridge Football Club will ensure that cloud computing solutions meet good practice security requirements.


Requests for Personal Information

You have rights to access and correct your personal information (or your children’s) in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. If you want to access or correct your personal information (or you children’s) please contact the Cambridge Football Club Privacy Officer.

Cambridge Football Club will not disclose information about your children/whānau unless there is a clear legal right to access that information.  

Any questions about Cambridge Football Club’s compliance with the Privacy Act should be referred to the Cambridge Football Club Privacy Officer.




Breaches of this policy include breaches of any of the Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 2020.


Reporting a Breach

Individuals who wish to report an alleged breach of this policy should follow the complaints procedure outlined in the Complaints Policy.

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