• This section contains information for junior players born between 2011 and 2018
  • For players in 13th or 14th Grade (2011 & 2012) and play socially on Saturdays at the Club, see information below, you will tick YOUTH on the registration form & then U13 or U14 for the grade.  Its likely this will be a combined grade (dependng on final numbers) 
  • Information for players born in or before 2010 can be found under  Cambridge Youth Programme
  • Players born in 2012 and 2013 who trialled for the TDP, WAIBOP Federation and 12th grade pre-federation squads will also find relevant information under the youth programme section.
  • Information for players turning 5 or 6 during 2025 can be found under First Kicks 

In this section:


Cambridge Football Club is one of more than 100 schools and clubs affiliated to WAIBOP Football, one of six regional bodies governed by New Zealand Football. 

We aim to provide a positive football experience for boys and girls and offer a clear pathway for players from juniors through to youth and senior teams. 

The club provides plenty of opportunities during the season for players to grow their love of the game, develop their skills and to have a great time playing football with friends.


Registrations openNow open
Registrations close16th March 2025
Teams finalisedApril 2025
Season startsSaturday 3rd May 2025
Season endsSaturday 30th August 2025
No games played

31st May (Kings Birthday)

21st June (Matariki)

5th &12th July (school holidays, middle & last weekend)

Team photosTBC
End of season celebrationTBC

WAIBOP Junior Season Calendar


All players are to compete within their own age grade, which for the 2025 season, will be:

  • FIRST KICKS - kids born in 2019 or 2020*
  • 7th GRADE - kids born in 2018
  • 8th GRADE - kids born in 2017
  • 9th GRADE - kids born in 2016
  • 10th GRADE - kids born in 2015
  • 11th GRADE - kids born in 2014
  • 12th GRADE - kids born in 2013
  • 13th GRADE - kids born in 2012
  • 14th GRADE - kids born in 2011 ** 13/14 is often a combined U14 grade depending on numbers 

*First kicks must be turning 5 or 6 during 2025

We aim to have MIXED and GIRLS ONLY teams in each grade (where numbers allow)


The decision for a player to play up one grade is at the discretion of the club captain.  Generally, requests are considered only for players who wish to play in their school year group (i.e children born Jan-March who are young for their school year group) to enable children to play alongside their peers. 

Players must register for the year that they are eligible for (based on year of birth - see above) THEN contact the junior club captain with the request to play up or down a grade as soon as they are registered.

No player may play up more than one grade OR down a grade without a formal dispensation from WaiBOP Football.

Dispensation will only be grated at the discretion of the WaiBOP Football Competitions Manager for only disabilities, health and size.

If there is no age-appropriate Junior Girls team for girls to play in, then they will receive an automatic dispensation to play down one year, when playing in a mixed league.


  • Our club follows New Zealand Football's Junior Framework when forming teams for children 12 and under.
  • We do not grade junior teams but aim to create balanced groups to ensure a positive experience and growth opportunities for all players.
  • To keep games fair and enjoyable, we try to avoid placing all the strongest players in one team.
  • At the same time, we aim to ensure new or less confident players are not grouped with those who have significantly more experience.
  • Our main goal is to create a fun, supportive environment where every child can enjoy football and develop their skills at their own pace.
  • Whenever possible, we consider friendships when forming teams to help children feel comfortable and engaged.
  • The registration process allows for a request to play with friends.  Please note, while we do our best, this is not always possible.  

Due to the complexity of placing over 650 junior players into teams we will not be able to move players around once team lists have been finalised except in “extraordinary” circumstances. 

Registrations for 2025 season close on 16th March 2025 

We aim to have teams lists finalised by April 2025


All of our junior team coaches are volunteers (usually parents).  Please consider volunteering to coach your child’s team this season.  It’s a hugely fulfilling role and experience is not needed - loads of support is given to our volunteer coaches!

Coaches will need to pass a police vetting.  This is done online.  We will also need to sight your identification as part of the process.

Teams train once a week at John Kerkhof Park.  The day and time will be decided by your volunteer coach.  You will receive more information on this once the teams have been finalised.


In partnership with RH3 Academy, Cambridge Football offer year-round junior development programmes focused on skills acquisition.  These optional programmes complement the learning players receive in their Saturday team environment. 

More information about junior player development and holiday programmes can be found on the RH3 Football Academy website.

More advanced programmes for BOTH Boyes & Girls are available from 12th grade onwards through our Youth Programme offering a pathway to the TDP (Talent Development Programme) via our pre-Federation and Federation teams. 

For our Girls teams, we are starting Development teams for U12 & U14 ages this year, these teams will have an RH3 Coach (additional costs do apply) then as the girls competiton grows stronger we look forward to WaiBOP introducing a higher level of dedicated Girls competition in years to come. 


Unfortunately it has become increasingly difficult to secure the grants and funding that have enabled the club to supply playing shirts to all 650+ junior players.  Each year we receive a number of damaged or stained shirts back and some are simply not returned.  With the growing player base, it has become unstainable for the club to continue to supply playing shirts.  

The club has a swap-a-boot programme and second-hand boots available at the club for $5 during the season.  Further information will be shared on this once details have been confirmed.

This year all junior players (7 years +) will need to purchase:

  • Club playing shirt
  • Red shorts
  • Red socks
  • Football boots
  • Shin guards

All items can be purchased from our online shop.

Please note: Players must purchase their own playing shirt this year, no shirts will be handed out in team bags.

If you have existing shorts and socks from previous seasons, they can be worn this year, only the new playing shirt is complusory.


Games for 7th Grade and up are played across the wider Waikato region with both home and away fixtures.  All games are played on a Saturday morning with kick-off typically between 9:00 and 11am.

The draw will be posted on the WAIBOP football website                             

Cancellations can be found on the same website and are usually updated by 7am on game day.


  • Our hugely popular First Kicks programme runs on a Friday night through terms 2 and 3 with a break over the school holidays.  Games and drills are played from 4.30-5.30pm (TBC) at the senior end of Cambridge Football grounds. 
  • First Kicks is open to children who are turning 5 or 6 during 2025. 
  • Playing groups are put together on the night so there is no stress on mum and dad if you're away one week.
  • The Sausage Sizzle will be running so it's a great time to grab the kids dinner.
  • There are no compulsory uniform requirements except for shin guards and boots.
  • We will have a limited number of First Kicks shirts available for purchase on the first session of the season.  These are optional.
  • Club socks and shorts can also be purchased from our online shop.


Registration fees for 2025 are $140 for Juniors and $100 for First Kicks


The junior club is run by a fantastic group of passionate volunteers, who dedicate many hours to ensuring the smooth running of the junior and youth programmes.  Every year we ask parents to help support the club by volunteering to coach or manage a team or to help out by refereeing or doing an occasional shift in the chip shop. 

There will be an opportunity to offer assistance when you complete the registration process.

We are also look for Grade Coordinators to help keep teams updated with relevant info over the season - email juniors@cambridgefootball.co.nz to apply 


Cambridge Football Club is run entirely by volunteers and self-funded through grants and local sponsors.  We rely on this support in order to supply everything our teams need to play football.

  • Running costs and maintenance
  • Balls, goals, bibs and training equipment
  • Line marking

With over 650 junior players, our gear needs regular replacement.

You can support your club by sponsoring a junior team!

BASIC STARTER PACKAGE: $400 + GST + apparel cost

  • Add your logo EXCLUSIVELY to your teams' apparel.
  • Ability to purchase EXCLUSIVE club training apparel for your team and have your logo featured on it (arranged by sponsor directly with Adidas via our online shop)
  • Link to your business from our junior club sponsors list on the website
  • Your logo will be added to the Sponsors Board at the Junior Club
  • Ability to shout out to your business when doing game day updates on our Junior Facebook Group

For more information contact Jos Philip, Junior Club Captain: juniors@cambridgefootball.co.nz


If you have read through the information above and still have questions, please email our Junior Club Captain, Jos Philip: juniors@cambridgefootball.co.nz.

Please remember Cambridge Football Club is run 100% by volunteers, most of whom have full time jobs outside of football.  We appreciate your patience with receiving a response to your queries.