Our hugely popular First Kicks programme runs on a Friday night.  The season runs through terms 2 and 3 with a break over the school holidays.

First Kicks is open to children who are turning 5 or 6 during 2025.

Games and drills are played from 5pm - 5.45/6pm (note slightly later start time)at the senior end of Cambridge Football grounds. 

Playing groups are put together on the night so there is no stress on mum and dad if you're away one week.

As our Club is all volunteer run, parents are asked to be Game Day Leaders & run an activity - with every sharing the task it means lots of variety for th ekids and not a strain on just a few parents.  If you have older kids they can help run the activity and support the little ones. 

Our coordinator will provide activity sheets so no guess work or previous training needed! And he will be walking around helping out as well.

If your child is a bit overwhelmed - not a problem! Just remove them off to the side for a bit, maybe a trip to the loo or have a drink of water to distract and you can alway grab a spare ball & do some passes back & forth just you & them. 

This age is all about building confidance & having fun - we dont expect them to be experts! They need to learn its ok to miss, its ok to fall down, its ok to bump into another player when you both go to the ball at the same time - and how to pick each other back up and look after each other.

They are learning to listen to the game leader/coach and follow their instructions & doing all that while trying to mater a new skill of kicking a ball where they want it to go! This is where their love of sport can either be ignighted or squashed so let them go at their own pace and heap on the praise - and watch their confidance sore! 

Jos - Junior Club Captain 

Interested in getting some FREE training on how to be a Game Day Leader?? 

Just hop onto and you can do the Fundementals Online course for FREE - we have the practle part happeneing in May at our Club to get your certificate for both Fundementals & Junior level ONE 


First Kicks fees for 2025 are $100.

There are no compulsory uniform requirements except for shin guards and boots.

We will have a limited number of First Kicks shirts available for purchase on the first session of the season.  These are optional.

Club socks and shorts can also be purchased from our online shop.

We are looking forward to a fantastic 2025 season and if you have any questions please contact Jos our Junior Club Captain on